Our NAMM 2017 Wishlist #2 – Akai MPC X is almost here!

Just last week, we provided a wishlist for NAMM 2017.  Our Wishlist #2 was the following:

“Akai to reissue standalone MPC with options for 60, 3000 mode sounds (want it fat and dirty? put some of the sounds on a kit in MPC 60 mode; want some color? put some of the sounds on the same kit in MPC 3000 mode, and the rest in modern mode), oh and make sure there will be SD card slot and USB ports”

Well, look at what Akai announced.  The MPC X.

This is not exactly what we wished for, but it is a reissue of a standalone MPC, 10GB of sounds on SSD inside of the system (also allows for another SATA device) with a very full featured sequencer (touch screen), and the rotary encoders have context sensitive display above each encoder.  The pads are also RGB (like Ableton Live or Elektron Analog RYTM.  The other thing we asked for was SD card slot and USB ports, and sure enough they have both (see SD card slot on the from to the unit and USB on the rear of the unit.)  It also has turntable preamp inputs with ground post (like the MPC 4000), and if you look closer, there is also CV/GATE outputs.  Whoa!  This will work with the Eurorack setup in our studio.  Nice!

According to our sources, it will be released sometime in April/May 2017 timeframe.  Can’t wait to get our hands on it.

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